Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Special Thank You

Mommy, Daddy, and I want to thank our friends Rima, Seenu, Devan, and Anika for all the great baby items that you have given us! In no time i will be swinging, rocking, and sleeping in style in my new swing, glider, and bassinet! Thanks for handing down these items filled with love and memories of Devan and Anika! We really appreciate all the advice too!

Here is a picture of Anika (10.5 mo.), eating a pickle! Yummy!
Devan 3 years old, having fun!!

Gasparilla Weekend

Mom and Dad took me to my very first Gasparilla Parade! It was fun to see all Mommy and Daddy's friends, but then got a little too crowded for me and mom! Maneuvering through a crowd with a big belly can be challenging! Speaking of big bellies....

Here is a picture of Mommy and "Aunt" Jessica. Jessica is 33 weeks pregnant and Mommy is 32. Jessica and Jared were in town from New York.
They brought me this really cool rocking hoarse! Thank you guys so much! We love and miss you a ton!

Baby McDaniel and I are due to enter the world at about the same time! I can't wait to meet him or her and hopefully we will get to play and see each other a lot!
Good luck coming into the world Baby have wonderful parents!!