Monday, November 23, 2009

On the Move!

Tristan will be 8mo old on the 30th of this month. He has been "scooting" around on his belly for the past month and in the past few days he started crawling! Here is a little clip!


Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy 5 mo Old Birthday Tristan!

Happy 5 Month Birtday Tristan!

Tristan is growing up so fast. He is very curious about everything! He loves watching his doggies play, eating his toes, rolling over, trying to sit up, blowing rasberries, smiling and laughing! He is an absolute joy!

Aunt Carrie, Tristan, and Cooper with baby due Sept 19th!

My first time on Uncle Pat's and Aunt Grannie's boat and swimming in Tampa Bay!

A visit from Aunt Dyan!! Who is carring my future pal...due in March!!

Getting ready for running season! Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 10K, Oct 3 will be my first race!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Many Faces of Tristan (almost 5mo old)


Foster and I are Very Serious!


"Foster made me do it!"

"Wanna go back to my crib?

I got an aquarium there!"

"Can you do this with your tongue?"



Listening to Mommy's every word!

Getting Tired!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tristan 4mo Old!

Welcoming Dad home from his 3 week trip to South Africa!

Celebrating Tristan's 4mo old birthday with Me Ma who came to visit!!

Look at my cute Rugby outfit Daddy got me in South Africa!

Tristan rolling over Back to Belly

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My 3 Month Old Birthday!!

Johnny and I could not be more blessed to have Tristan in our life. Today marks Tristan's 3 Month Birthday, a great milestone for all of us!! We have made it through the few months which were a ton of work, but enjoyed every minute!! We learned a lot (and are still learning) and could not have done it without the help and support from our family and friends!

Enjoy the celebration!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tristan Update

Tristan is almost 3 months old! He is getting so big- weighing 13.5lbs! It is so much fun watching him learn! He is now smiling, laughing, cooing, and drooling (teething?) are some pictures.

My first Mother's Day May10th, 2009. We spent the day at Ron and Kathy's. Our friends Ericka, John, and their two boys: Adrian and Marco were there too!

All the MOMS!

First Airplane Ride to Ohio, 6 Weeks Old, May 15th

Meeting Aunt Melissa for the first time!

Meeting my Godfather, Todd for the first time.

Mine and Tristan's Baby Shower in Ohio, May 24th

7 Weeks

Tristan's 2 Month Birthday

Colleen's graduation from Medical School! (Tristan's godmother)

Happy 1st Father's Day Johnny! June 21st, 2009
Tristan 11 Weeks old

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Birthday: Monday, March 30th, 2009 7:59pm

Well it has been a long journey and i am finally here!
Here is the breakdown of events...
Mom went into labor around 1pm on Sunday, March 29th. Mom and Dad went to the hospital to see what they thought...They sent mom and dad home as mom was only 1 cm dilated and her contractions were not strong enough, but pretty consistent 5-7 min apart.
Mom continued having contractions every 5-7 minutes and went back to the Hospital on Monday morning at 6:30AM when her contractions seemed to be a lot stronger only to learn she was just 1 cm further dilated!!
By 7:30 AM Mom was 3cm dilated and in active labor. Dr. McNeil said to get ready to have a baby today (ME)!!
I came into the world just about 12 hours later at 7:59 pm on Monday, March 30th! Mom pushed for about 3 hours! My God Mother, Aunt Colleen helped Dr. Reyes to deliver me, which was pretty cool! Thanks Aunt Colleen for helping mommy push and deliver me! It made coming into this world all the more special!

Dr. Reyes put me right on Mommy's stomach and announced to everyone that i was a little boy, and well worth the wait and surprise! They dried me off and then i hung out with mom on her chest and attempted to nurse for the first time! They call this "Kangaroo Care!" Mom and dad were so happy that i had arrived and i was healthy!

Aunt Kathy was by Mommy and Daddy's side in the hospital and was there for my birth too!! Thanks Aunt Kathy for being there on my special day and supporting mommy and daddy!

Here i am all 7 pounds 3 ounces!! Boy is it a scary place outside of the womb! I had light brown hair, dark blue eyes, and was 21 inches long!

Getting my foot prints! This was not fun either (as you can tell)!

Here is a picture of Daddy, Janene Smith (Mommy and Daddy's friend and Nurse who helped delivered me), and Mommy after i was born! Thanks Janene for all your help! It was great that you were there!

My proud parents and Me....
Me....hmmm.....but what is my real name? Addy was my nickname while i was in Mommy's belly! Now i need a real name!! (To be continued....)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hey World--I am on my way!

It is March 29th, 11pm and Mommy started having contractions today....

We are now at home waiting for the fireworks (Active labor) to start! I may be here tomorrow to tell you all about my journey in person!! Thanks to all my fans and we will try to keep you posted!


My Room Is Ready!!

Here are some pictures of my room! It is just missing one thing...ME.

This dresser was my mom's when she was growing up. My Aunt Kathy painted it for me and got this new fresh look! It works very well as my changing table too!

My Mommy, Daddy, AuntColleen, Grandpa Jack, and Me Ma Lee helped to make this cool ladder decoration that a lot of my stuffed animals hang out on!

This is a very special lamp that my Great Grandma Gave me. This lamp was in my Great Aunt Kathy's and Me Ma Lee's (My mommy's Aunt and Mom) room when they were babies! Aunt Kathy rewired and repainted it just for me! It even has a nightlight in Jack and Jill's well!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Special Thank You

Mommy, Daddy, and I want to thank our friends Rima, Seenu, Devan, and Anika for all the great baby items that you have given us! In no time i will be swinging, rocking, and sleeping in style in my new swing, glider, and bassinet! Thanks for handing down these items filled with love and memories of Devan and Anika! We really appreciate all the advice too!

Here is a picture of Anika (10.5 mo.), eating a pickle! Yummy!
Devan 3 years old, having fun!!

Gasparilla Weekend

Mom and Dad took me to my very first Gasparilla Parade! It was fun to see all Mommy and Daddy's friends, but then got a little too crowded for me and mom! Maneuvering through a crowd with a big belly can be challenging! Speaking of big bellies....

Here is a picture of Mommy and "Aunt" Jessica. Jessica is 33 weeks pregnant and Mommy is 32. Jessica and Jared were in town from New York.
They brought me this really cool rocking hoarse! Thank you guys so much! We love and miss you a ton!

Baby McDaniel and I are due to enter the world at about the same time! I can't wait to meet him or her and hopefully we will get to play and see each other a lot!
Good luck coming into the world Baby have wonderful parents!!